Sunday 20 April 2014

Hopes, Fears and Opportunities Part 2


 After being at university, my hopes for me are to find and discover myself even further after everything I've learnt so far. I hope that my work remains consistent the way it has been since The Outsider project, and that it progresses into something that I'll be proud of for the rest of my life. Being at university has further extended my horizons towards succeeding in creating work that everyone can see and collaborate opinions towards. I hope for my work to develop connections with people, in both style and context, because it's positive to be surrounded by those who understand what your direction is.
 Most of all, I hope that I become an artist; successful or not. It's a lifestyle that encourages so many opportunities and dreams to become physical. The simplest of things can influence ideas which become so very relevant in understanding who you are. I'm very grateful for attaining such a visual-based perspective of the world.


 My fears for the future are understandable, as I'm sure a lot of other students facing the same situation feel. I fear the hastened approach towards not being in education any more. I've thought about perhaps studying something else, like philosophy, but at the moment I can only see myself struggling for money, which puts that out of the window. Money of course is a central fear, just mainly because of sustaining a decent enough livelihood for myself. My intentions outside of education are to remain in my current job, which is part-time at Morrisons, or to perhaps discover something more related to my desired practice, like working in an art cafe for a crude example. This would hopefully override my fear and keep me in a comfortable place.
 My main fear is that my work will become repetitive and non-consistent. Throughout this major project I have been feeling this way because of the lack of direct context. My work is substantial, but just needs that push into something that binds it all together. It's certainly a weakness I carry in finalising my work because I become so confused with what I want.


 Something that I've mentioned previously is that technology and the internet have expanded upon the almost endless amount of opportunities. The connections made with other illustrators/image makers and potential clients are a positive aspect, in having your work known and promoted. This is something to take advantage of. Another opportunity has been discussed with me and two other students from my class, proposing that we should all share a studio space together. This was an influence from witnessing the environment in which the illustration collective, Day Job, worked in. This potential opportunity excites me the most because it allows and encourages a momentum in work flow. Being surrounded by all my work, materials and influences would certainly hasten my progress. Also being in the midst of other people with the same motive would help too, because we'd all be very supportive of one another. It's an environment fine artists choose to work in and somehow I feel more comfortable with that, seeing as my work consists of similar elements.
 What I've learnt from my time at university is that opportunities await in many areas - not just illustration. As mentioned previously, my work contains fine art elements and this has been commented on by some peers, saying they could imagine the work being hung up in a bar, or perhaps exhibited. This I found encouraging because it displays a sense of hybridity which can hopefully work to an advantage of mine.

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