Saturday, 5 April 2014

Hariton Pushwagner

Soft City

 I found this artist in a book and 'dystopia' just came flying at me. The stale and repetitive nature displays a function so familiar in dystopian writing. The use of perspective in this image creates an inescapable environment where there is symbolically only one direction to go in: where everyone else is. This plays into the theme of identity and how it can be lost within the sea of conventional society. The countless figures and vehicles on the ground represent the flow of how a majority of people just want to fit in and not be left out. Even the simple line work used encourages this laziness we all acquire inside of us, just so life can be easier and we don't have to worry about too much. There is text seen in the image which reads, 'Where is the mind when the body is here?' This again comes into play with identity, stating that amongst the mass that is society, individuality can be lost and become part of the flow: 'the body'.

 This style of work is similar to my own with its minimalist approach and visual response to subject matter, as opposed to something literal and with a narrative.

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