Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Collaboration Log (Continued 4)

Tuesday, 20/11/12

  • Mat, Joe and Tinashe met in room 4.106 again to begin informing each other of what they had gained over the weekend.
  • Natalie was ill so wasn’t in.
  • Joe had expressed himself through drawings in his sketchbook of people in distorted formations. He even represented his idea for the gig poster if it would come to that.
  •  Joe had looked through the dictionary to link random words together, following the influences previously thought of on Friday. They were: Boot Boy, Column Commoner, Fluorescent Food and Parsnip Pastel.
  • Mat suggested the idea of making a poster related to the protest group ‘Anonymous’ due to its nature of having no leader and no official members.
  • He also suggested the idea of parodying the 2012 Mayan prediction claiming it to be illogical.
  • He suggested things of a morbid nature but Joe spoke on Natalie’s behalf and said the group should keep things neutral.
  • Tinashe told Joe and Mat of his idea relating to ‘Nightmare on Elm St.’ suggesting we make a social event of some kind and inviting people to experience what happens in the film.
  • Joe then suggested the idea of getting people to interact with us via text. We would ask them a question and they would answer.
  •  This spurred on Mat and Tinashe and started suggesting questions like: ‘How was your day?’, ‘Plans for the weekend?’ and ‘How are you?’
  •  Joe then suggested making it more eccentric and took influence from the Monty Python question: ‘What is the average air speed velocity of an unladed swallow?’
  • Then Joe and Mat suggested basing it around typical ‘Manc’ sayings like: ‘Cold, innit?’ and ‘They don’t make ‘em like they used to.’
  •  Mat then suggested making the question surreal and philosophical, such as: ‘I’m thinking red. Discuss.’, ‘Should I?’ and ‘Any questions?’
  • This left us deciding for a while whether we wanted the question to be vague or eccentric.
  • We had an initial idea set out which was: the poster with a logo, a question and a number to respond to on it.
  • We then had the tutorial with the tutors and Natalie had just arrived.
  •  Mat, Joe and Tinashe presented the various ideas we had before going onto the concept of a phone.
  • The tutors seemed happy and told us to hastily make the posters as the process of making them was less irrelevant as compared to people’s responses.
  •  Natalie then introduced her ideas to the table which were to do with old phrases and sayings, such as, ‘A taste of your own medicine.’
  •  The tutors also applauded her ideas and told us to incorporate the old sayings within the questions which would be asked within the posters.
  • After the tutorial we all began discussing how we would process this.
  •  Natalie suggested each of us having an old phrase/saying and with it makes four surreal or vague questions to give the phrases a much more varied response by appealing to people differently.
  •  Tinashe now disregarded the logo idea due to our time schedule and suggested the phrase/saying should be designed and should stand out.
  • Tinashe also said he had an old phone at home with a SIM card, so that was one problem sorted.
  • Joe then suggested making a Facebook page in which we could put our illustrations of the responses we would get, in order to make the viewer seem more interested in texting.
  • Natalie vowed to send us all various phrases to choose from and to give examples to fully explain her concept.
  • After a lengthy discussion, we all agreed the format should consist of: our own individual style (to make introduce more range) of an A4 portrait poster with a typographical phrase in visual connotation at the top, one of the four questions underneath, the number in which to respond to underneath that and the Facebook page at the bottom which Joe would create.
  • We vowed to all login on Facebook tonight to send each other information and to begin the overrall process.
  • Tinashe sent us all the phone number and Joe sent the link to the Facebook page to put on the posters.
  • Natalie researched and sent the various old sayings and phrases all beginning with the letter ‘a’ to give the posters more unity and explained the format of making four questions out of one of them. She even made a visual example out of scrap.
  •  Tinashe chose ‘A leopard cannot change its spots.’ And his question was ‘Can we break from the conceptual?’
  • Joe chose ‘A house divided against it self cannot stand.’ And his four questions were: ‘Straw, sticks or bricks?’, ‘What makes a home?’, ‘How do you get a full house?’ and ‘What’s the result of a divided house?’
  •  Natalie chose ‘A stitch in time saves nine.’ And her four questions were: ‘What does your mind fester on?’, ‘What leads you to procrastinate?’, ‘If you had an infinite amount of time, would you value your mandatory work?’ and ‘Do you feel the value of craft has been lost?’
  •  Mat chose ‘Absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ And his question was, ‘Can absolute power ever be a force of good?’
  • Tinashe then suggested distributing them by Wednesday evening.


The Pope's Preaches

Gig Poster


Take a walk...



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